Sustainability: the essence of our personality and of our way of doing things.
Our commitment to sustainability was an integral part of our founding
We were the first Catalan dairy cooperative company to bring together large and small family dairy farms with the aim of having a positive impact on the lives of these families and of our area.
The quality of our products is valued by consumers and, through the purchase of Cadí products, they help to ensure that our farmers obtain a worthy price for their milk. This allows the people of our area to live a worthy life and to continue bringing life to our land.

We strive to ensure the economic, social and environmental sustainability of our way of life in this area.
What does sustainability mean for us?
At Cadí we are guided by commitments forming 5 pillars that holistically embrace all our activities:

Cadí Farms
We ensure standards of quality and of sustainable management that are met by all our 65 Cadí Farms.
We strive to reduce the environmental impact of our farms by lowering emissions, improving our energy efficiency and carefully managing wastes.
We work to improve our crop management to maintain a healthy ecosystem and to preserve our biodiversity.
We improve the quality of life of all our associates through the automation, robotization and digitalization of our farms.